Tuesday, March 22, 2016

And this is what one of my foxes looks like now. A second chance on life. Healthy active and hunting well. 

                     On the alert mode when a raccoon comes out and is climbing a nearby tree.

                                 A squirrel is near and coming right within reach of my fox.
 She hunkers down and puts her ears forward to make it look like ( you cant see me ) to the squirrel. And it didnt see her.
 Not hungry this time. The squirrel climbs the tree a couple feet away. She watches it all the way up curls up and goes to sleep.

  Winter has been on and off this year. Most days no snow at all. Then it would snow and a few very cold days. But all in all not to bad. The fox loved the snow.
                                                                      Hunting well.


                                                              Play time in the snow.

                               Again the snow is gone and the fox is playing all over the yard.

  Found a nice warm place to have a nap but the crows are making a racket on the lake. Gets her attention.

 Another nice warm place another day I spot her on my walk. She is enjoying the warm sunshine.

 These next snow shots are another series were she was very active and hunting,being curious and  playing in the trees and on the ice.

                                                                    Whoooo are you

Monday, March 21, 2016

Foxes rescued

A collage I put together on my 3 fox kits we rescued in 2014. All severe mange all came home with a second lease on life. 

Mange is treatable,don't let them suffer and die.

In 2014 late summer/early fall we had 3 fox kits with severe mange. They got so bad that they could hardly see,had to use their nose to try smell out food and had open sores and fur loss. Criss crossed back n forth on the road and just barely were surviving. Again my friend bound into action. I watched these young foxes and their mother and got their route down pact. Timing everything so that we could get them. First one my friend got it with his bare hands,after searching for a couple hours. She finally at the last minute as we were packing up for the evening came walking down the street. It was bizarre. We had her. Numbers 2 & 3 came a little later via live traps. After being treated for mange and their open sores treated and healed and fur grew back they came home for release back to the wild. All released at night for their own safety it was spectacular to see. Healthy foxes,full of life and a second chance at life they got. Please. If you see any animal with mange. It is not rabies,it is 100% treatable and curable. They suffer terribly and die an long horrible death. Nothing deserves that. Please call your nearest wildlife rehabilitation facility and get them help.

                                       This little one came to me one day looking for food.

This is another one of the 3 in such bad shape I followed it up the road one day with my flashers going so it didn't get hit. It was in horrible shape. But was cured and released.

One got caught in somebodies raccoon trap,the guy he called knew I was looking for foxes. Look at the crusty sores on this pour things ears.
  Then my friend set up a fox live trap in same are as these kits ran together. And we got the 3rd one.  The maintenance guy of that property helping me out.
And another friend helping him carry it to my car for the trip to Toronto Wildlife Center.It was in rough shape.
                             In the back seat of my car. We covered her to keep her calm and secure.

                                             One before it got sick. Beautiful young fox.

 They were all over the place searching for food as they were starving.People were afraid of them but they we not going to hurt anything. They just needed help.

    She came walking up my street on garbage day and the crows alerted me to her presence. I through her some left over salmon.  She was so hungry.

                                             Then she proceeded to lick her open wounds.
 She was limping on one back leg it was so bad.People thought she was hit by a car but it was her sores.
                                            My friend setting the trap to get number 3.

                    All 3 now gotten and taken to rehab. All 3 came home looking gorgeous.