A year later again a kind sole picked up another cedar waxwing fledgling. On her front lawn before dark on the ground. No parents seen. And didn't want the coons or skunks to get it. This one was a bit older and could have been placed on the branch of the tree. Parents are never far away from their fledglings but you must understand they have a few little mouths to feed. And this little one would have been okay. It was fall,migrating time. And although I went back next day I could not find any cedar waxwings anywhere. I searched and searched and listened. Nothing. It took me 9 days to finally find a family with fledglings same age. And this little one was more than ready. I was very lucky to find a family on my last efforts before I would have had to turn it in to a wildlife facility for the winter. Poor thing. But I heard some fledglings calling in the willows at an arboretum. Then parent birds. I was so excited. I waited to make sure. And opened the cage. While looking my little baby decided to check out the drinking water and had its first bath. It was so darn cute. He really enjoyed that bath. Then when I opened that door he sat listening and off he flew. He did a couple fly by's as I stood there. Then he flew to same tree as the other fledglings. Then the adults flew into that tree with food. I was so happy after a long haul searching. This babe was back with a family and maybe it was even its own family. At any rate. It was free and was with a family who accepted it. We said our goodbyes. One beautiful little cedar waxwing. I hung around to make sure all was okay. Not that I could have done anything. But just felt better. Mother nature sure has installed a wonderful parenthood into our species of birds n animals. This was pure magic.
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