Monday, March 21, 2016

Dying birds

It seems every year we have reports of dead or dying birds on certain beaches. This was on Woodland Beach in Tiny township. I walked that beach and was devastated at what I saw. Birds mostly dead. Fish dead with gulls picking at them. It was horrible. Then I came across a red neck grebe alive. Someone had placed apples in front of it. I guess thinking it was food,but not for waterbird. And it was sadly dying. I stood there and watched it, no one wanted to do anything. They were all the same. Mostly dead and lying there in high numbers. To be cleaned up every few days. Loons,red neck grebes,longtail ducks,scoters etc. It was thought that it was botulism from zebra mussels. A natural die off. But it seems to be every year to some extent or another. Whatever it is it is very sad to watch these birds die. And suffer like they do. Nothing should have to suffer. If you can't save them put them humanely out of their misery. Is that so much to ask!!!

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