Monday, March 21, 2016

Canada goose in trouble.

This goose could have lost its leg but luckily we saw it wobbling along.I called my friend who rescues wildlife for Toronto Wildlife Center,and he came. He was able to get our goose with a little difficulty but success. And jumping in with the goose so as not to loose it. Which he was prepared to do. The goose was lucky. 3 weeks in rehab,daily physio and great care brought him home to his mate. And he turned out to be a tv star. Toronto Wildlife was doing a TV series at that time and our gooses release happened to be in one of the episodes. Pretty cool stuff. As he waddled out of his carrier and into the lake like nothing ever happened. Headed right to his buddies and his mate. Reunited. Next day we went out serching. He had found his family and we found him so knew he was doing very well. I still monitord him until he was not being seen. He made it. One lucky goose indeed. 

             He was hardly using this leg. You can see the fishing line tightly wrapped around his leg.

              My friend feeding him to lure him in. Ready to go when the time was right. It worked.
                Doing a quick assessment before the goose is put into the carrier for transport.

                                       Our goose sure had a lot of fight in him.  Good sign.

                                         Can you see him in this lot. That's him in front.
                                       To the left grazing on a waterfront lawn. Using that leg.
                                                    Camera man from the TV series.

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